Original Art Register
October 15, 2016 by adminWhoopee! At last there is somewhere on the internet that provides a vital, long-overdue service and resource for artists, designers and photographers like me to register my originals.
The UK based Fine Art Trade Guild has just launched the The Original Art Register (OAR) for Guild members, and non-members. This is a whole new service for the fine art industry.
The service is a central register of original images with details of the copyright holder, and a date, plus other information.
OAR will enable any artist, designer, photographer, publisher, art gallery, or fine art printer to register and provide proof of origination that can deter and prevent copying or copyright theft of their creation. It also has the advantage of protecting their intellectual property and their copyrighted images, for ever.
And as a big bonus the central library archive of images and their details will be available as a free, secure searchable source for collectors, dealers, and licensing business queries.
This register needed to be established and maintained by a reputable, international, not-for-profit organization.
The Fine Art Trade Guild, established in 1847, fulfills this condition perfectly.
This scheme is so good because.
- It is affordable
- It is secure.
- It is comprehensive.
- It is global.
- It is simple.
The scheme also.
- Archives image.
- Records image properties.
- Establishes copyright details.
- Provides a free, secure, public, searchable, database of an artists work worldwide.
This is why this it’s such a great asset.
Artists, designers, and photographers can create an image. Then for a small affordable registration fee they can lodge the record of that image into a secure globally available data-base. The record will establish crucial details about the image so that full-value and reward will be ensured and obtained by the creator.
How it works for artists, photographers, etc:
- You first log in the Guild website and apply to become a registrant. Easy and free!
- Prospective registrants do not have to be Guild members to register and add images.
- Currently it costs just three pounds to register and protect each image.
- Thereafter there is an annual maintenance fee and admin charge of a few pennies per image.
- Guild Members get access to the recording process at a reduced rate, with a 33% discount, at £2 per image.
- For Guild Members, if required, a link from the registered image can go direct to the artists or dealers own website.
- The online system records the image, and copyright owner.
- The image is assigned a unique OAR ID number.
- The register shows artist, title, medium, substrate, date, and dimensions of the original image.
- The registrant can show details of limited editions or open editions that have been made from the image.
- Plus details if the image is used to create any other products directly from the artist.
- It also shows if the image has been licensed for prints, calendars, fabrics, greetings cards, etc.
- The registrant can download the unique Certificate of Registration and point-of-sale card for each image.
- Anyone can discover and contact the image creator and owner.
- The OAR register is available for everybody to freely examine.
- The OAR register can be searched using a variety of categories like landscape, animal, floral, people, seascape, etc.
- The register can also be searched for any image or participating artist or photographer by name, image title or medium
- The register is available 24/7 online from the Guild website.
From now on.
An artists, designer or photographer who creates an image can now record that image and register the date and other details proving they are the legitimate copyright holder of that image.
This will enable them to freely promote their work without the worry that it could be copied or stolen without any means of redress.
In the event of a copyright challenge the certificate of registration and proof of a registered date would be an invaluable asset for the artists, designer or photographer to help prove ownership.
They can also use the archive of registered and searchable images to promote themselves to galleries, dealers, publishers, licensors, investors, and collectors.
The register can be used to log archived images and not just new images.
An Exciting Future.
It is becoming much more obvious just how significant this register can be in the future.
If an artist or photographer creates a new artwork that they are happy with they would be very remiss not to register that image straight away for such a small sum. This quick and simple process will ensure that that image is forever safe. They will also have a visual record of the date and other details and interested parties will be able to keep abreast of new work as it’s produced.
Link to my Registered Originals at The Fine Art Trade Guild … click here
New Print Range, The Romance of Fairies
November 6, 2015 by adminI am having great fun painting my Romance of Fairies range of miniature prints. I’m hoping to produce at least ten for the range but have six up at the moment. I hope you like them and look forward to seeing them out in the galleries that sell my work. for full details see my The Romance of Fairies link under Published Prints Gallery page.
The Society of Limners, Full Membership
November 6, 2015 by admin
Today I received official conformation that I am now a full member of The Society of Limners. I am so pleased to have become a member of this Society as they promote and encourage the painting of miniatures and engraving to a high standard. They also actively teach miniature painting to all ages through society courses every year.http://www.societyoflimners.co.uk/html/the_society.html
They also have some very good miniature calligraphists in their membership. The Society of Limners hold their annual exhibition in July at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts in Chichester. They have over 300 beautiful exhibits and is well worth a visit. I hope to see you there next year.
RMS Exhibition 2015 Acceptance
October 8, 2015 by adminI’ve just heard that all of my 6 Fairy Miniature paintings have been accepted for exhibition in the up and coming 2015 Royal Miniature Society’s Exhibition.
They will be on show and for sale at the Mall Galleries on the Mall in London, near Admiralty Arch. I’m so excited, the full exhibition opens next week.
Royal Miniature Society Exhibition at the Mall Galleries from the 13th – 25th October 2015, 10am-5pm daily
Dr. Gervase Phinn, best selling author and public speaker, will present the Awards at 3pm Wednesday 14th October 2015.
Who Stole the Tarts
February 3, 2015 by adminHere is my very latest Alice in Wonderland painting and print. I had such a lot of fun doing this one. The drawing took ages before I could add any colour but it’s all finished now and I’m chuffed to bits with it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed painting it.
It will be on sale at the Towngate Gallery and all the other growing number of outlets that are listed on this website.
Alice in wonderland print for the National Framing Competion
January 24, 2015 by adminI’m excited to announce that the Fine Art Trade Guild has put up my Alice in Wonderland Anniversary Print as the piece to be used by picture framers across the country for the National Framing Competition 2015.
The winner will be receive the prestigious award for their winning frame at the Art and Framing National Awards Weekend in Harrogate, May 2015 http://www.fineart.co.uk/article/art–framing-industry-awards-2015-932.aspx
Where to Buy
January 24, 2015 by adminMy print ranges are now on sale in an ever growing number of galleries and retail outlets.
I hope, if you would like to purchase any of my prints or gift cards, you would visit these establishments and let me know how you got on.
You can find the list on my “Where to Buy” page on this site.
Have fun till the next time.
Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland 150th Anniversary Print
January 24, 2015 by adminI’ve painted this commemorative print to celebrate Lewis Carrol’s 150 years of Alice in Wonderland
I wanted to show the fun Alice had with all the different characters she met in Wonderland, I so enjoyed this painting and it will tie up very nicely with a project we are setting up for July/August. Watch this space for more exciting news!!